A Oficina
A Oficina
Centro Cultural Vila Flor
Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães
1. Casa da Memória de Guimarães
Centro de Criação de Candoso
Teatro Oficina
Educação e Mediação Cultural
2. Loja Oficina




Grande Auditório Francisca Abreu


Crocodile Club

Teatro Oficina / Mickaël de Oliveira

Ages 16 and older

Absolute Premiere

After “Technical Rehearsal” (2023), “Crocodile Club” is the new creation by Teatro Oficina, written and directed by Mickaël de Oliveira, produced by Teatro Oficina and Colectivo 84.

Crocodile Club” is a show that seeks to address the new Portuguese political spectrum and its recent radicalization to the right, following the global trend of the rise of the far right and new populisms that aim to manipulate dissatisfaction and incite fear. “Crocodile Club” is about the limits of democracy, stemming from a weekend retreat among friends. The play calls for a revision of imaginations inherent in the tradition of horror cinema, following the path of “Festa de 15 Anos” (TNSJ, 2020).


Post-show discussion


Session with interpretation in Portuguese Sign Language

Text and Staging: Mickaël de Oliveira
Cast: Afonso Santos, Bárbara Branco, Beatriz Wellenkamp Carretas, Fábio Coelho, Gabriela Cavaz, Luís Araújo, Inês Castel-Branco
Special Participation: Francisco Ferreira and João Tarrafa
Video Design and Cinematography: Fábio Coelho
Scenography and Costumes: Pedro Azevedo
Lighting Design: Rui Monteiro
Choreographic Support: Cristina Planas Leitão
Sound Design and Composition: Sérgio Vilhena and Rui Lima
Characterization: Catarina Santos
Production Management: Gabriela Cavaz* and Susana Pinheiro
Production: Hugo Dias and Héloïse Rego*
Stage Direction: Ana Fernandes
Technical Direction: Carlos Ribeiro
Communication Direction: Marta Ferreira
Press Communication: Bruno Barreto (Press Assistant), Pedro Magalhães and Rui Costa (Social Media)
Graphic Design: Eduarda Fontes and Susana Sousa
Photography: Bruno Simão and Ana Brígida
Production: Teatro Oficina and Colectivo 84
Co-production: Teatro Nacional São João, Teatro Aveirense
Creation and Presentation Partnership: Fábrica ASA and Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente
Interior Design Partner: Angelourenzzo
Production Support: GrETUA, CIM do Ave, Belbrisa
Acknowledgments: Teatro da Garagem, Pólo Cultural das Gaivotas, Leonor Figueiredo
Support from the General Directorate of Arts - Ministry of Culture

*Core Team of Colectivo 84

aoficina.pt desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile