"Blackface" is a solo performance, written and directed by Marco Mendonça, a musical lecture, blending stand-up and fantasy, satire and physical theater, burlesque and documentary. On stage, Marco Mendonça explores the performativity and history of blackface, as a racist theatrical practice – from its roots in the USA to cases in Portugal –, seeking the boundaries of what can or cannot be represented on stage. Considering the extensive history of events in which this racist practice was used to portray black individuals as inferior members of Portuguese society, is it possible to believe that racism does not exist in Portugal?
Espetáculo com Audiodescrição (AD)
Artistic Direction, Creation, and Performance by Marco Mendonça
Creation Support by Bruno Huca
Dramaturgy Support by Gisela Casimiro
Musical Composition and Sound Design by Mestre André
Video by Heverton Harieno
Lighting Design by Rui Monteiro
Set Design by Pedro Azevedo
Costume Design by Aldina Jesus
Technical Direction by Manuel Abrantes
Set Assembly by Daniela Cardante
Production by Alkantara - Sinara Suzin and Carolina Gameiro
Co-production by Alkantara, Teatro do Bairro Alto, and Teatro Viriato
Co-production Residency at O Espaço do Tempo
Residency Support by Moussem Nomadic Arts Centre
Special Thanks to Ana Cristina Mendonça, André e. Teodósio, Artistas Unidos, Bernardo Peixoto, Catarina Amaral, Cidália Espadinha, Cleo Diára, Eduardo Mendonça, Eduardo Molina, Gio Lourenço, Isabél Zuaa, Márcia Mendonça, Marcos Cardão, Maria Jorge, Nádia Yracema, Nuna, Nuno Lopes, Soraia Tavares, Raquel S., Tiago Bartolomeu Costa, and Vanessa Coelho
Duration: 90 min.
Recommended for ages 14 and up